
Angela Shamoon - Yakhin Group
Group Chairperson
For three decades, Mrs. Angela Shamoon worked alongside the late Mr. Sami Shamoon in their international businesses as well as their philanthropic activities. Since Mr. Shamoon passed away, Mrs. Shamoon has acted as Chairperson of the Group’s Board of Directors, and is a key part of the Group's management. In 2006, Mrs. Shamoon was awarded an honorary doctorate from Bar-IlanUniversity in recognition of her extensive public activities. Mrs. Shamoon has one daughter and lives in Tel Aviv.

Shai Reicher - Yakhin Group
Shai has served as CEO of the Yakhin Group and has acted as a board member for the companies of the Yakhin Group since 2014. He also acts as administrator of the late Mr. Sami Shamoon’s estate. He is a lawyer by profession and was previously a partner in the Yigal Arnon & Co. firm. He holds a bachelor’s degree in law with honors, as well as a bachelor’s degree with distinction in business management – both degrees from the HerzliyaInterdisciplinaryCenter. He served in the Israeli Air Force as an airborne medic. He is married with two children and lives in Herzliya.

Danny Akriv - Yakhin Group
VP Finance
Danny has more than 25 years of experience in financial management positions at a range of private and public companies in the fields of real estate, IT, and electronics. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accountancy from the College of Administration, and served in the Adjutant Corps of the IDF’s Nahal Brigade. He is married with three children and lives in Ganei Tikva.

Galit Dayagy-Magen, Adv. Yakhin Group
VP assets & General Legal Counsel
Galit qualified as a lawyer in 2001 and has over 15 years of diverse experience in representing leading companies in commercial and real estate issues . She also served as an associate executive at Yigal Arnon & Co.
Galit holds a bachelor's degree in law with honors and a Master's degree in law with honors, both from Tel Aviv University.
Galit Served in the army in classifying soldiers to become officers. She is Married with three children and lives in Herzliya

Golan Gazit - Yakhin Group
VP Marketing & Operation
Golan responsibilities in the group includes the commerce and offices, assets marketing, business development and planning and initialization of growing strategies.
Golan holds a BA in Business Management with Finance expertise.
Golan served in various operational roles in Israeli security Agency and the Prime Minister’s Office. He also served his military service as a fighter of “Maglan” forces.
Golan is married with three children and lives in Hod-HaSharon.

Ortal Davra - Yakhin Group
Legal Department Manager
Ortal joined the Legal Department of the Yakhin Group in 1999, and has served as the Group’s Legal Advisor since 2014. She holds a bachelor’s degree in law and economics from TelAvivUniversity as well as a master’s degree in law from Bar-IlanUniversity, and is also a qualified mediator.She served in the Air Force IT Unit as part of both compulsory and regular service, and is a graduate of the Data and Information Systems Center Course. She is married with three children and lives in Herzliya.

Nahum Dror - Yakhin Group
Chief Agronomist
Nahum has now been an agronomist at the Yakhin Group for around 35 years. He began his work for the company as manager of a group of citrus plantations, and is currently serving as the company's Chief Agronomist and Processing Manager. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees with distinction in agricultural sciences from the HebrewUniversity’s Rehovot campus (specializing in plantations and citrus). He served in the Israeli Air Force as one of its Electronic Warfare personnel, and upon his discharge from reserve duty he had attained the rank of major. He lives in Tel Mond.

Shlomi Dahan - Yakhin Group
Operational Department Manager
Shlomi has 24 years of experience in the managing, operations and economic fields.
Bachelor of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, B.A of Economy and M.A in Management.
Shlomi served in the combat troops as fighter and as officer in various commanding duties of the infantry corps brigades. To date he serves in the reserve forces as lieutenant colonel.
In his role in the group, he combines the vast experience he accumulated in operations and propulsion of systems and processes in large companies and during his military service.
Shlomi is married with three children and lives in Hod-HaSharon.